ICEGATE offers different administrations like the electronic recording of the Bill of Entry (BOE), Shipping Bills and electronic messages among traditions and exchanging accomplices utilizing correspondence offices i.e E-mail, Web-transfer and FTP, utilizing the correspondence conventions normally utilized on the web.

This enables merchants and exporters to execute every one of the procedures in a tranquil way without the problems of overwhelming printed material.

The air and dispatching specialists can document dissensions and surveys through the web utilizing this office, while the overseers and load coordinations administrators collaborate with traditions EDI through ICEGATE for payload, coordinations, and related data.

To guarantee secure recording, the utilization of computerized marks is favored on the Bill of Entry and different reports to be taken care of on the door.

ice gate

Ice Gate: online business Portal of Central Board of Excise and Customs

ICEGATE assists with e-recording as well as does different administrations like e-installments i.e online installments, online enrollment for IPR, report following status, online check, IE code status and different connects to critical sites identified with traditions.

Here is a portion of the banks that are approved for E-installments through ICEGATE:

  1. State Bank of India
  2. Punjab National Bank
  3. Bank of India
  4. Indian Bank
  5. UCO Bank
  6. Joined Bank of India
  7. Association Bank of India
  8. Bank of Maharashtra
  9. Partnership Bank
  10. IDBI Bank
  11. Bank of Baroda
  12. Canara Bank
  13. Indian Overseas Bank
  14. National Bank of India
  15. Vijaya Bank

ICEGATE gives a 24x7 helpdesk office to everybody in case of any issues.

Here are the means by which you can get in touch with them:

While ICEGATE covers merchants and exporters in every one of the perspectives from installments to follow, it is hard to discover an administration that gives point by point cites, following information and what could be the least expensive and best choice for your shipment.

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