Advisory circular for registration of beneficiaries on ICEGATE -ICE GATEONLINE
Advisory circular for registration of beneficiaries on ICEGATE -ICE GATEONLINE To All Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners of Customs/Customs and Central Tax/Customs (Preventive) All Principal Commissioners/Commission rs of Customs/Customs and Central Tax/Customs (Preventive) All pages Subject: Advisory round for enrollment of recipients on ICEGATE-with respect to. Sir/Madam, 1. Traditions have presented Single Window Interface for encouraging Trade (SWIFT) as a component of the simplicity of working together activity to incorporate Customs and other Participating Government Agencies (PGAs) for consistent preparing of import and fare clearances. One of the parts of SWIFT is e-SANCHIT. Under e-SANCHIT, the framework enables a broker to present every supporting archive for freedom of relegations electronically with computerized marks. This deters the requirement for the dealer to approach diverse administrative offices with printed versions of the...