
Showing posts from February, 2019

Customs house agent

In India, a customs house agent (CHA) is licensed to act as an agent for the transaction of any business relating to the entry or departure of conveyances or the import or export of goods at a customs station. Chas maintains detailed, itemized and up-to-date accounts. A CHA license may be temporary or permanent. CHA licensing regulations, 1984 No ceiling on the number of CHAs who may be appointed in a customs house A regular licence is preceded by a temporary license. Criteria of experience and financial soundness must be met. A regular license is subject to passing an examination, A minimum volume of business and compliance with Regulation No. 14. Changes in the constitution of a partnership or firm do not affect the operations of a CHA. Prescribed fees prevent overbilling by Chas Qualifications An applicant should: Be a graduate of a recognized university. Hold a pass in Form 'G' as an employee of the firm or company. Should have thr...

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